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Ideas for content

Ideas for content

Ideas for content

  |   Creating Effective Website Content, Web Design

Before you can consider designing your website, you need to create your content. Doing it the other way around is a bit like designing the packaging before coming out with a product idea: it might work, but you’ll probably have to chop a few bits of the product to fit it in the box.

Essential content for every website

  • About us/me. M/hen visitors arrive at your site, they might not know anything you, some      about you arc, what you do, and why you’re different, helps understand everything else on your site.
  • Contact page. Even if you’re not selling, it’s good to ha dialogue with your visitors. You’ll be surprised how helpful some visitors can be, telling you about broken links and similar issues. If you arc selling, it’s essential to reassure customers that they can contact you with any problems.


Content ideas for business sites

  • How to find us. Make it easy to find your office or shop.
  • Meet the team. “The web can seem impersonal, so put a friendly face on it by introducing your team members.
  • Product and service descriptions and photos. People won’t buy something they can’t understand. Be clear about what you offer and why customers should buy from you.
  • Customer service information. Answer the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) in advance. Customers get an instant answer, and you save the time spent answering personally. Product instructions can be particularly valuable.
  • Customer testimonials. Ask your existing customers to share their success stories and reviews.
  • Behind the scenes. Lift the lid on your business with a photo tour of the factory, or an overview of how you work.
  • Presentations. Share audio, video and/or slides from any talks you deliver. Consider making tutorial videos purely for use on the website.Content ideas for any website
  • Blog. Have a regularly updated section where you comment on what’s going on in your business, what’s in the news, and what you’re thinking. Blogs are expected to be opinionated and often encourage readers to leave their comments.
  • What’s new. Keep the website fresh with the latest news in your industry, company, or area of interest.
  • Tutorials. People often turn to the web when they need help. Demonstrate your expertise and draw in new readers with articles that teach people how to fix things, make things, or do things.
  • Games. Can you get your message across in a game? Games will make your site more memorable, and encourage longer visits. The British Heart Foundation created a Yoobot vs Yoonot game to teach healthy eating and exercise habits (www.yoobot.co.uk).
  • Calculators and tools: Can you help people to solve a simple problem? You could incorporate a simple tool like a tax calculator, a picture resizer or dictionary. Ask yourself, what do your customers look for online that you can offer.
  • Interviews: Can you interview an expert in your field and share their wisdom with your site visitors?